Remember: “Pretty is something you're born with. But beautiful, that's an equal opportunity adjective.”

Hair extensions are great to give hair instant length and thickness. There are lots of types of hair extensions, so before you get them, look into the variety of hair extensions available to make the best choice. Learn all the details on synthetic and human hair extensions, individual strand extensions and the variety of hair wefts and weaves.

Hair extensions are becoming more and more popular every day. Some are very expensive hair extensions and then there are some inexpensive hair extensions.
It is recommended to let your hair dry naturally, blow dryers and especially curling irons are your hair's enemies. Synthetic hair extensions are very vulnerable to heated styling appliances, overheated straightening irons are forbidden.
The excessive use of flat and curling irons can damage the quality of extensions. Avoid burning it, remember it won't grow back.
Avoid applying hair care products to the roots, only to the tips.
Here is what you have to do to ensure that your extensions are well taken care of:

1. Wash, condition and moisturize (very important) your hair every 2 - 3 days. The extensions do not receive your natural scalp oils and so need to have moisture added every wash. If you don't moisturize your hair extensions they will become brittle and break easily leading to split and ratty ends. We recommend a good moisturizer for Hair Extensions.
2. Treat them with respect. They will not grow back if you yank at them with a brush, burn them with the blow dryer, kill them with chemicals. Be nice to them - they cost a lot of money so make sure you get your money's worth.
3. Always brush out all knots before you wash your hair, swim, or sleep. Start at the bottom and work your way up slowly using a paddle brush.
4. Make sure you wash in between the braids to keep your scalp clean and free of bacteria.

You can have any length you want up to about 26"-30". Any natural hair over this length is about 8 - 10 years old at the ends and as such loses quality. Also, anything longer than this puts extra weight on your scalp which may lead to uneven pressure and damage to your own hair.

-Attaching and removing them requires special training and education.
-There are no regulations or imposed standards in the human hair industry. There are many unscrupulous suppliers.
-Hair Extensions require extra work on your part to maintain and keep healthy.
-No type of hair extension is completely undetectable.